167 days and healing hasn’t begun – I have had 9,862 days

This year the secular calendar and the Hebrew calendar align in a way it has only a handful of times over the past…27 years. I have shared my story a few times publicly over the past 5.5 years. I have had 9862 days. 27 years to work on my healing, and I continue to heal. Trauma, for many survivors, is not far below the surface.

It has been 167 days. 167 days since October 7th, 167 since the world has turned upside down, again. Over the past 167 days, I have heard the stories, read the news, and felt the despair; yet I have been very guarded and careful not to spiral, not to lose the work I have done in the previous 9,695 during these last 167 days. I have my mental health and my family I am responsible for thinking about.

However, an opportunity presented itself on Wednesday evening. I participated in Svivah’s program “HerTorah: Strength Through Togetherness” So much has been awful since October 7th…Wednesday night was a gift, an opportunity to experience Jewish learning, unity, and a sense of community that I have not felt in decades…all trauma-informed – all thanks to Svivah and their beautiful (inside and out) leadership. If you have a moment or are in need of taking a moment, Svivah is sharing that give through the recorded version in the link above.

This Purim begins after Shabbat ends tomorrow night, it will be 168 days after a new hell began for so many, please take the time to be kind to yourself, do something kind for others, go out, and be the kindness this world needs. If you pray, please pray for the return of our hostages, please pray for the continued strength of those who are working tirelessly around the clock to make sure the victims’ voices are heard (h/t Sheila, Mer, Guila, Ron to name a few), especially those victims who have been terrorized and re-terrorized by sexual violence, please pray that the world can wipe out Hamas as we did Haman, please pray that all of god’s children will soften their hearts, that we will all be able to live in peace.

May those who need our prayers, wherever they may be in this world, feel our prayers and know they are not alone.

Esther Danit bat Yitzchak Yisrael v’ Devorah Batyah

More than could be measured…

Bonnie was the big sister I never knew I wanted, or needed, but one I can’t imagine living without. In every journey I have navigated in the past 25 years Bonnie has either been in the front seat with me, supporting me, or in the back seat cheering me on.


I met the Cowans on Yom Kippur in 1997. I saw Elliot carrying a two-month-old Micah over his arm like a picture of a cat hanging over the branch of a tree, that used to hang in my grandparent’s basement with the caption “hang in there.” I asked Jason who that was and he pointed out the five members of the Cowan family: Elliot and Micah, Amalia, Marnina, and Bonnie. Little did I know then that these five individuals would fast become part of our family of choice as Jason and I started our new life together without any family locally.

There was a time when Jason and my relationship wasn’t yet public. One Shabbat morning, Bonnie said, “Hey, can I set Jason up with someone?” My response: “Please don’t!” She responded, “I knew it!” With a big laugh. She just wanted to get confirmation! One Shabbat afternoon at shul Bonnie took me aside when she saw a rather large bruise on my arm. She said, “Jason might have been our friend first, but you are our friend, and we want to know you are okay.” I looked down at my arm where I had given blood at work the day before and assured her all was well…she didn’t walk away from the difficult questions or topics of conversation.

Bonnie and Elliot took us in, as family, and we accepted. It was easy. Bonnie made it easy. She was kind, loving, direct, caring, and always ready with a laugh or an ear.

The 5 Cowans made the trip to Plainview NY for our wedding in September of 1999. There is some story about shoes ending up in the microwave while a friend babysat the 3 young Cowans, and Bonnie and Elliot helped make our simcha just that. My recollection from that day is always looking up and seeing Bonnie on a chair making sure she could see what was going on, and not missing anything. bonnieBonnie didn’t miss anything. She got the small nuances of things, the subtleties, and the between-the-lines that so many don’t realize. She was always there and available, except when she couldn’t find her phone in her purse!


Of course, Bonnie helped us navigate each of my pregnancies. She was passionate about every person experiencing the birth they wanted, without judgment. She even taught our first birthing class! It was during one of those classes where she said something in passing that not only mentally got me through the trauma of Jacob’s birth but allowed me to control the time Aiden was born so I could get the bris slot I wanted (or so I thought).

“Even women in comas birth babies; your body knows what to do.”

She was at each of our children’s births helping create the environment I had envisioned, whether that was buttering up the nurses and keeping the mood light, or helping make sure Jason understood the cues he may not have gotten on his own.

I don’t know how I would have navigated being a working mom with four children without knowing I had Bonnie as my emergency backup. Without the Cowan family leading by example for mine.

Passover, 16 years ago, Bonnie and the entire Cowan/Fischer family taught me what a family of choice and community should look like. Jason and I went with our older children and my family to bury my grandmother who had been killed while visiting us. I left them with my two elderly grandparents, one with dementia, and my two youngest children, 18 months and 3 years old, during Pesach. I didn’t have to worry – Bonnie took care of everything.

She was amazing at coordinating. Whether it was preparing for a B’nai Mitzvah, or figuring out how to meet up in Barcelona on a random day in August – she could pull it off!

She was fantastic at thinking things through and planning for hiccups and the unexpected. Now, mind you, she didn’t always make her own life easy. She went to multiple stores to find the best products at the best prices, lost receipts on the way, and had to do extra leg work with returns. But that was Bonnie.

She had a special relationship with each of my children. She got to know them as individuals and let them know she was and would always be a safe space.

That special relationship didn’t end with our four biological children. It continued with our foster children, from the first two, X and Z, in 2019 – all the way through our 17th and 18th placements, Moe and Mr. T on March 3rd.

She expressed her love for you by making sure you had the resources and connections to make the best decision you can in the moment, by playing devil’s advocate… in the best way, and by feeding you, but most importantly by showing up, providing the listening ear, and sharing thoughtful words of encouragement, support, or comfort…intuitively knowing what you need.

Bonnie Weinberg Cowan – February 1, 1956 – March 30, 2023

My last words to Bonnie were “We love you.”

She responded, “More than could be measured.”

Bonnie, you loved us more than could be measured and your love for us is everlasting.

May we continue to shine your light in all the ways you led by example.

21 Months – October 28, 2019 – July 28, 2021

On October 28th 2019, we welcomed two amazing little boys into our home, and they warmed their way into our hearts…it seems like that very night.

Today marks 21 months that we have been a family of 8. Today also marks the day our boys start a new journey in their pre-adoptive home with “Mama Tif”…

Their story is not mine to tell…I can say these boys are *loved* period. They are loved by their bio-family; they are loved by SchwartzCentral and our amazing village of family, family of choice, and friends…and they are already loved by Mama Tif and her loving family and village.

Thank you to our incredible biological children who welcomed them into their home and hearts (even their rooms) …all while sharing their parents’ attention. Who were all in as we entered covid lockdown as a family of 8…and two big doggies… doggies who have tolerated the hugs and rough play (and enjoyed extra people food).

I want to thank everyone who has been on this journey with us – that first 24 hours especially… from Jeff who was there when we got the call, to Bonnie who dropped everything to run with me to get a double stroller and 2 car seats, to Abbey who came right from the airport after an overnight trip from Israel to help watch the boys so I could install the car seats…to our Tikvat Israel/ECC family who all welcomed our boys as part of SchwartzCentral…no questions asked, well some questions LOL, but never questioned. To Amalia who once again became a SchwartzCentral babysitter and our respite while we went on our pre-planned trip out of the country just 5 weeks after they were placed with us…and Jojo, Thomas, Chris and Carson who helped keep the pieces of their bio-family in the front of our minds…and helped us foster the relationship with their birth family.

To my parents who jumped at the opportunity of being Grammy and Grandpa to two additional little boys…welcoming them…sitting in the bathroom reading stories as we potty trained…and being our morning call on the way to visitation and/or school.

To my beautiful sister Lauren and niece Chloe…we got to raise toddlers together of 6 weeks…it was an experience I never thought we would ever have and couldn’t imagine a better gift.

To my brother, sister-in-laws, MIL, aunts, uncles and cousins who not only didn’t question or challenge two extra Schwartzi at events but invited the extra chaos.

To the HardyBeckers who lovingly brought over pj’s and immediate necessities, and continuously lived with additional SchwartzCentral crazy… even when we bubbled together…for Isaac for becoming the middle child he didn’t think he was…and to him and Simon for stepping up to be the older bro for two toddlers who messed up their Legos and made themselves at home in their space.

To the MANY villagers who gifted, lent, donated clothes, toys, shoes and supplies…

To the neighbors and children on Marlin Street, who shared their space, clothes, bikes, scooters, helmets, and smiles and allowed two eager dog petters to love their dogs…making our boys feel like they were part of the group.

To Tara and Cindy who showed up again and again (even at the hospital!) to be our respite and love our boys…fabulous Aunties.

To Mama Tif, K-man, and Auntie Ash who have welcomed us into their village…who understand the emotions better than anyone…and are inviting us to continue to be part of the boys’ lives.

To my best friend, my amazing partner in life who said yes to this journey, who was all in…even if it wasn’t what he had envisioned.

Today we will pick the boys up from school and bring them to their new home, tomorrow Mama Tif will bring them back to their same school, teachers, and friends…and on Sunday, we will go over to the boys’ home with a carvel cake to celebrate my birthday.

Bottom line, Thank you for your support and joining us in welcoming these two precious beings into our lives and hearts.

It’s been a minute…and it’s been a morning!

So much has happened since the last time I took the time to write. This morning was one that made me frustrated….but also made me laugh.

Z got up a little after 6am. He and I got back into bed to watch Sesame Street. By the time  X finally got up – Z and I were dressed and ready to go down for breakfast.

X had been dry all night but refused to go potty before he got dressed, and didn’t want to take off his nighttime diaper. I encouraged him to put the underwear on over his diaper, so that when he was ready to go potty, he could take off the diaper and be ready for the day. He said no, at threw the underwear down on the ground where Z was standing.

Z picked it up and asked to put them on…and he started to, over his pants. So X screached – he wanted them. I told him Z had them now and gave him a different pair, while I helped Z finish what he had started. X was about to put them on, and then threw them down – Z turned around and picked them up and proceeded to put them on as well…

So while we finally made it to school – X made out with no diaper, one pair of underwear and pants on the outside….Z looked like this: Diaper – then pants – the TWO pairs of underwear.


Z marching with confidence


X and his class play with boxes this week….I’m so proud!

It is a good thig they are cute!

And many in the school got a chuckle.

A weekend of recuperation: end of week 4

We made it through the week! Friday afternoon I took three of my boys outside to swing – it was so cute! The little ones REALLY love spending time with Pup and watch his every move! img_2833img_2830







Right before Shabbat started, 6 of us took a walk around the block – J, X, Z and me, and Coop and Lil! It was one of the slowest we have ever taken, but that is what happens when the 2.5-year-old wants to walk and hold the leash! He had the leash in one hand and a “bar cookie” (granola bar) in the other. We were amazed that he didn’t lose either – or fall on his face – though he came close a few times!



Saturday was Pup’s 14th birthday! J let me sleep in and took the boys down for breakfast. Pup, Bean, Z and I went to shul while X, J, and Belle stayed home; X was no longer contagious, but he cries out every few minutes – my booboo hurts, and he was pretty miserable. So while we were at Shul, the three of them went to the playground with the “blue slide!” It was a lovely day. After Shabbat was over, Pup and I went to see Belle in her play (J and Bean had seen it last Saturday night). It was cute – and Belle really took command of her scene, it was nice to spend the evening together. After the boys went to sleep the rest of us watched a movie of Pup’s choosing with sushi dinner planned for Sunday night.



Sunday was a beautiful day out – a little chilly but blue skies. We played out on the swings and with the blocks our friends the Smiths dropped off!



And then an amazing thing happened! Our friend Abbey and her son O came over to babysit during the witching hour so that the 5 of us could go out for Pup’s celebration birthday sushi dinner! It was the first time we as a family had all (sans Bob) gone out without them.

So we learned some things while we were out. Abbey and O are both amazing **AND** in deep trouble!! The kids adored them. X made a liar out of us – we told them that X does not like cheese, well, for the past 4 weeks he has not liked cheese. This morning he woke up and said “Abbey gave me cheese! I eat it all up!” He kept asking “Where Abbey go? Where O?!?! Not *Ow from school but *ORRRRRR!! But then…he brought me an Elmo doll someone had given us, sans batteries (which we never put in) and X ran to me and said: “look O make Elmo do!!” Abbey asked me if they were fired – I said no, but Elmo go live at their house!! Love our village – we are all grateful – minus the Elmo!!

3 Weeks, sick…again, name change?

Finding time to journal is proving more difficult, especially as we keep dropping like flies!

Z was really not himself on Saturday – but he is such a sweet and smiley boy (when he isn’t saying “No!”) that sometimes it is easy to forget. All of us, sans Belle, went to Shul. This time the boys were really confused and asking to see their friends, who weren’t there as it was Shul time and not school time – so many positives about Shul/School being in the same building….except this one! They really do feel comfortable and at home in the building, which I love.

We had a surprise for the boys, at about 3ish, their older (biologically 1/2) brother T, his dad C, and stepmom “TT” were coming over to visit. Now before you go and get all concerned, this was a pre-arranged, pre-approved through the HHS system support visit and interaction. And if that wasn’t enough, I knew through my conversations with TT that these were special people. See, I called TT on Friday to let her know that Z had a fever – not to cancel, but let her know as she has a 5ish-month-old baby and I wanted her to make the best decision for her child. Her response – Oh, we aren’t bringing Baby CT, he is staying with his Grandma, this visit is all about T and him getting time to spend with the boys. I knew her heart was in the right place.

They hadn’t seen each other in about six months. It was so beautiful to see the boys with loved ones. We learned so much more about the boys and their history. One important thing we learned is that T (and his parents) were having a real visceral/triggering reaction to calling L – L. While that is his legal first name, and the name we were given when we got them 3 weeks ago, he is a Jr. and he has always, from day one gone by X. So on Saturday afternoon, with the love of his brother and us wanting to do what is best for all these children effected, we began calling L, X.

T is 14, a freshman in HS and such a sweet kid. He and pup took X out to play on the swing-set, and with the balls and other neighborhood friends outside. It gave TT, C, J and I time to talk, get to know each other and understand more of the boys’ history and relationships with family and extended family. It was really important for us, TT and C, for T to know that the boys are safe, loved, well cared for and happy. We ended up waking Z up so he could spend time. While X didn’t need any warming up time and remembered them all, Z being so young and not feeling great needed more warm-up time…but have no fear, by the time they were getting ready to leave a few hours later, hugs and smiles and kisses were being exchanged freely. We promised to make visits possible and share pics, videos, and FaceTime calls with T. TT reported back later that T was relieved and beyond happy that the boys are in a safe place with people and a family who clearly love them. We are over the moon.


Sunday Fun w/Pup (X pronounces Ian)

Sunday was a bit of a juggle as Z was still sick, didn’t sleep well, running a fever and coughing. We hung out most of the day playing, making healthier apple muffins for the boys…they were a big hit, but we didn’t think about the walnuts, so we couldn’t send them to school; they were a stay at home yummy treat. Our big excursion of the day out was taking Pup to stage crew and picking up Bean from the mall…at least it got us out of the house!

Bean got home and proceeded to get sick – not related to the Tamiflu – some sort of stomach bug that really knocked her out. Monday, X went to school, and I had a sick Z and Bean at home. A sick toddler and a sick teen aren’t so different…except I was able to leave Bean home while I took Z to the doctor. Z was diagnosed with Bronchitis type thing – and Amoxicillin brought our sweet non-lethargic Z back to us! Z and I went to target to get Bean the Gatorade, Saltines, and Ginger-ale.


Z hung out with Bean – he seems to like to lay with his hands behind his head when not feeling great it is one of the cutest things. His face wasn’t as happy as this sticker – but you get the picture. X enjoyed his first and what would be his only day of school this week!img_2757

Tuesday the boys had a visit with their parents, this time we were late getting there as I had a crabby X, a clingy and Z and a needy Bean to juggle. Their social worker brought them to school after the visit – X was clearly not himself so I kept him with me while Z was happy to be back with his friends.


We got home and X was miserable – he fell asleep standing up – literally – leaning over on his stroller – I took the opportunity to get img_2778-1some cuddle time in! 

Wednesday I took Bean to school late, and both boys to Dr. C, X to check for strep as there were a few cases at preschool and Z to check that his lungs were sounding better. Strep test came back negative, and Z’s lungs were sounding better – X, on the other hand, had a fever, and by the time we were done, it was silly to bring Z to school so we all went home.

Thursday morning I had a meeting, so J stayed home with X and they played outside.


He didn’t have a fever any longer, but he came out with a rash. I took him back to Dr. C because I wanted to make sure it wasn’t a strep rash or something worse…if you are counting with me, yes – that is 3 peds trips in 4 days. Now when we get off the elevator they start crying before we get in the door. I was so thrilled that he fell asleep in the car and I was able to transfer him and he slept in the stroller while we waited! img_2820Diagnosed with Coxsackie, though it isn’t presenting like it usually does, or how it did with our other kids. 

Thankfully I was able to leave Z at school to nap so I didn’t have both of them at the doctor, and I had an easier time keeping them apart so they don’t pass things back and forth! Amalia came to the rescue to help me wrangle the boys and get a much-needed milkshake to calm his throat. But where a dull moment might have come in – fear not, it didn’t. Thursday night Cooper was acting funny. Vomiting and staying in a img_2823downward dog pose for a long time….so after a quick cell call to our friend/vet J and Bean took Cooper to the doggy ER. We didn’t have dogs when we had toddlers…it is VERY different. Trying to get out of the house without letting the dogs out, the boys feeding the pups table food which we NEVER do. Having food around in places we usually don’t (ie their backpacks that are kept in the entryway corridor). We are sure he ate something or many things he shouldn’t have! Three plus hours, blood work and fluid pouch later they were home and Coopie is on the mend.




We love the way Z sleeps with his tush up and his ankles crossed! They are so sweet when they sleep!

Baby, it’s cold outside!

What a change in just a few days! We went from beautiful fall weather to a bitter cold snap. Thanks to the clothes collections efforts of Bonnie and Amalia we have jackets and “glubs” (well mittens really). Tuesday I dropped the boys off at the location for their visitation with their parents, and their social worker brought them to school. From the social worker’s perspective, the visit went really smoothly and the boys made a good transition back to school. Post nap it was freezing out and we had to get older kids from school so I took the boys to Target – yeah, don’t know if it was the best idea – but it worked. We got there and L was excited to sit in the cart – and he knew the name of the store was Target, he must have been to one before.  We got new shoes for the boys.img_2633

Z loved them so much he fell asleep in them later that night!
The cutest thing was L’s reaction to the red spheres as we were leaving the parking lot – you know the iconic big red ball looking things? He **really** wanted to take one home, try explaining that to a 2.5-year-old! 


We have been really working with the boys to have a healthier food repetiteur. We can get Z to eat some peas and corn, but L – none of it! J found shaped spinach and broccoli nuggets – each mixed with potato I img_2787guess (Dr. Pragerso we are calling them “french fry shapes…so far some french fry shapes and fish filets and ketchup make a healthier dinner that they will eat. L isn’t loving the spinach one…I guess the color is too vegi for him – but at least he tried it!

Thursday the boys both fell asleep on the .98 mile drive home from school. I thought I would transfer Z first as he usually is the easier one, and that if L started to cry, I wouldn’t wake up Z we would just bypass the room. Best laid plans! Z did not transfer…he got up and started crying – and then when I tried to have him rest and for me to get L in – forget it…I wanted to cry. Of course – they napped for 45 minutes roundtrip to get Pup and Bean from school – but that was hours later.


Today Z came home with a fever – we shall see how the weekend goes! At least he napped today – even if it was only on me!

I wish I could share these delicious boys with you. Maybe these videos will give you some insight into what a gift they are! They have the best laughs! Here is hoping for a relaxing Shabbat.


2 Weeks Together

It is has been a busy two weeks to say the least – more like a rollercoaster ride of two weeks. Here is the one pic we got with our party of 8 – not so easy with a cellphone timer!img_2603

This is what Tamiflu for our party of 8 looks like. img_2561

Remember, L and the rest of us have a 10-day prescription, while Z only had 5! Z had the side effects from the medicine the first night he took the meds, then L had the side effects from the meds the first night he took it! Well – Sunday night, day 2 of Pup’s dosage, he was hit hard with the side effects. Poor kid was up all night. J said he didn’t know if the feelings he had were psychosomatic or he was on the way to side effects – but alas, so far none of the rest of us have fallen to the preventative flu medicine!img_2569

img_2571L and Z LOVE going to school. Today J had off so we brought the boys to school together.

We are loving the beautiful fall weather.  So glad we only moved our swing set 8 feet towards the HB’s house; 15 years later it is still getting lots of use and love!

Of course, the added net swing is awesome! We rounded out the day with a bath with two happy boys!! Tomorrow is their second visit with their parents; we hope to get an update on baby sister.



Party of 8…not all fun and games…

What an amazing 26 hours. L and Z got up pretty early (6ish), to be fair, all of us were asleep by about 8:30 last night. I tried to entertain them a bit, giving them breakfast, letting the dogs out and back in, changing diapers and trying to find clothes. It was also only about 30 degrees when we woke up this morning. Z ended up cuddling with me and falling back to sleep before Bean and I went to Shul. J, Pup, Belle, and Bob stayed with L and Z. L was all over the place and wanting to be outside and throw balls, and climb and swing and slide!

Watching our children get to know each other was so cool. L asking Bob to do things with him, telling him that he was too big (for L to pick up) – the inside jokes that came out of the interactions. So great to be a part of….until 5ish when L and Z were having dinner and the Tamiflu side effects got the better of poor L. It started in the kitchen, so I took the boys up for a bath while the rest of the gang cleaned and disinfected the kitchen area. Another bath with happy boys and no one crying – score!

I put L’s pjs on first, and he fell asleep on our bed while I put his socks on!img_2557

He was stirring a bit, and 30 min later, side effects were back. It was so sad. Bean got a bucket to be ready for the next time – but it was the longest we have seen L lay down awake.


and I FaceTimed with Lolo and Baby C, Cousins D & A, and their kids – Z even said “Hi JD” and blew kisses! Poor L was a mess…while I was doing laundry Pup was the bucket holder. At one point poor L was hit in the head with said bucket while J was trying to get the bucket to him in time. It was definitely a group effort!


I ran to the restroom when J came up and I came out to Z asleep in his arms and L trying to cuddle – it was so sweet! For the first time since they came to us, L **ASKED** to go into his bed. Where he promptly fell asleep. We are hoping tomorrow is a better day for all, so we can possibly do something together as a family. Getting a picture is high on the list as it is something the boys need for school and of course, we would love for us.



Routine? Ha!

I have been saying for years and years, I’m waiting for a dull moment. It never comes. The past few days have been a whirlwind.

Tuesday the boys had a 10:30 scheduled pick-up by the county representative and then have supervised visitation with their parents from 11 to 1pm and home for a nap at around 1:15. That went out the window when they pushed the pick up to 11:15, and yet again later when they didn’t pick them up at 11:45 without having pre-installed the car seats. Thankfully L’s preschool teacher helped take them out to the car and rangled them while the CPS worker installed them and got the boys settled. They didn’t get back home until 2:30. I felt really bad for the boys’ parents. 11 to 1 is just pre-nap time – but 12 – 2 – total meltdown time. Report came back that the kids had a good time – they were a bit of a mess when I got them back, but that was to be expected, with no nap of course. They came back with a gift from their parents. We played outside for a bit with one of their social workers until we got in the car to go get Pup from school. That night was the first time L asked about his parents and wanting to see them. I told him we would do it again, and he seemed satisfied.

img_2462Wednesday both boys woke up with runny noses – I was not surprised as I think this is the first time they are in a pre-school setting, and those germs get shared better than toys! We finally got some updated health info from their original pediatrician so we know a bit more about their health history. We hit a new milestone on Wednesday night – L & Z both went up to the bath and got in without crying. It was AWESOME!  L seemed to have a fever and some difficulty breathing. I called our friend JK to ask what it looked like in a child to have difficulty breathing as even as a life long asthmatic, I don’t have the experience with little ones. I called our pediatrician to see if we should go to urgent care or the ER – she recommended the ER,  both said better to be safe than sorry.

J was leading a Shiva Minyan at a friend’s home. I called him and asked him to meet me at the ER. Belle and Pup were home Bean was at dance, so Belle and Pup were in charge of making sure L was okay and off to bed.

Thiimg_2504-2s trip to the ER was so much easier with a baby that didn’t want to run all over…but it was just as sad. They said he was breathing okay, but they wanted to do an RSV test and flu test. We got some medical records earlier in the day that suggested L (who was a 3.5lb premie -6 weeks early) had previous respiratory issues. J and I watched the reruns of Big Bang.

img_2509-5An hour later we got the results that he tested positive for Flu.

A prescription of Tamiflu – and the warning that side effects include hallucinations and vomiting – we were on our way. Z went right to sleep but was up at 3 am with hallucinations – so we brought him into our bed. He went right back to bed, but threw up not so much later, right between J and me!


Thursday L went off to school and Z stayed home. He was not so happy about that!  Bob came home from school Thursday night to spend the weekend. Friday he watched Z while I took L to school, Z sat with his backpack on waiting by the door. 


The boys REALLY love school, and we are so blessed to have an awesome caring group loving our boys at school.


Having our party of 8 all under one roof is so exciting! Our village showed up again, B & A brought L home on Thursday and did some Friday shopping for us, and the K’s made Shabbat dinner for us! Shabbat brought not only a family dinner with 8 of us together, but 8 of us on dosages of Tamiflu!